Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!! Great job!!

Hello everyone,

It seems that the latest trend is to do a little recap/forward thinking blog about the past year and what’s to come, so here’s a little New Year’s note to kick off 2008.

This past year has been momentous and exciting, full of change and anticipation, along with the requisite disappointment, but, like most times, is best and most appropriately viewed optimistically and with a warm heart. We started the year off by finishing the mixing of “Atomism,” hearing the master come back from Bob Ludwig, and getting a few more glorious, coveted studio days to do B-sides (we honestly love nothing more than recording songs).

Fast-forward through some boring winter times, and we hit the spring, when we hear that RED is releasing our record nationally, and that we’re going to throw a huge local CD Release party. Both of these events are remembered fondly, and a special thanks to all of you who came out to the CD Release and helped make it one of the most memorable concert events of the year!

In the ensuing weeks we solidified our managerial choice (special thanks here to Mike Kempton for all of his fine, hard work), booking agent, and some tour plans, and finally started getting on the road. It’s always been a dream of ours to be out and about, and we’ve loved meeting so many fantastic new people and seeing tons of new places all over the country. We’re looking forward to seeing even more this next year, and can’t wait to visit all of our new friends.

With the New Year brings a big change for us: We just moved in with our friends, The Alarmists, at their rehearsal space. We said good-bye to our old location after three years, and it was a bittersweet parting. There are many fond memories there, from interviews to drunken jams, tons of writing and more rehearsals than we can count, but we’re also looking forward to sharing this new creative atmosphere with some of our best buddies in town. In the new Vlog there’s some footage of the new spot, and we’ll get that up ASAP for everyone.

In addition to a lot of touring, we’re trying to be better about regularly updating with more video-blogs, and we’re going to put together a few music videos, too, for your viewing pleasure. Also, for the maybe six people who’ve ever read this blog, we’re going to try to update more frequently and maybe make it a little more personal when appropriate (though we promise not to get all LiveJournal on you guys).

Now that we’re all recovered from that ridiculous beginning to the East Coast jaunt, we’ll be back out on the trail soon, so look for us and come say hi! Buy us drinks (we’re poor), tell us stories, and help us make general merriment, wherever life takes us! Is this a suitable recap? Feels vaguely nostalgic and broad enough to fit the mold . . .

OK, time to go watch some more Tim and Eric clips and waste time and . . . !!

- Joe

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