Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well friends,
The day has finally arrived. Our CD is now available in stores all over Minneapolis. In particular, the Electric Fetus, CD Warehouse, Down in the Valley, Cheapo, and Treehouse records. Borders may also start carrying it as well. Unfortunately I Tunes is still not up yet but we have been promised that it will be up very shortly. Either way, we are extremely excited to finally have our full length out there, so excited that we planned a little in-store performance this evening at the Electric Fetus. It's going to be pretty stripped down from our normal sound, which could make it quite interesting actually. So if you have the time, you should stop by. If for any other reason just to pick up the new album! Check out the City Pages tomorrow, Pioneer Press on Thursday, and the Star Trib on Friday to check out some stories/reviews of our new album. We're keeping our fingers crossed that they like it!! Either way, I hope to see a lot of familiar and new faces on Saturday. We have been putting a lot of planning into this show, and we think that it will definitely be one of our most memorable, so we hope you make it down. Until then....

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