Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Never Gonna Give You Up, Never Gonna Let You Down . . .

Hey everyone!

So, it’s been an exciting week! We’ve got some secret news about an exciting opportunity that we can’t just share with you yet, but in the next coming months we might get to be part of a really moving event . . . stay attentive!

OK, so after that big teaser, here’s some more concrete information:

First of all, please tell everyone you know in Minneapolis/St. Paul and the surrounding area about our show at the Fineline this Saturday, June 7th, for Mercurial Rage’s CD release party w/ the Alarmists and the Mood Swings. The show starts about 9:15, so any of you worried about not being able to make it due to the Chris Koza CD Release and This World Fair farewell show will have enough time to scoot on down to the Fineline for a full night of Minneapolis music!

Secondly, be sure to vote for us to play Lollapalooza at Sonicbids and encourage everyone you know to do the same! Click HERE to cast your vote!

Lastly, in WLR news, here’s our newest video blog detailing our latest trip to NYC and Philadelphia, featuring Daniel trying to do some trick pool shots.

Oh, and for a couple goodies, check out this LINK detailing a scientist’s new theory about optical illusions. He claims our brains anticipate the future when it comes to stationary images that imply motion and adjust the image accordingly . . . very cool and interesting when one considers all the tricks our eyes can play on us.

And check out this crazy video of a kid doing some "contact juggling" . . . I’ve never seen anything quite like it and it’s about as near a legitimate “magic” trick as I think I’ve seen . . . maybe it’s totally fake but I’d like to be a believer!

Until next time, remember to vote at Sonicbids and talk up the Fineline show!!!

All the best!

- Joe

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